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Team Cooper Antoine Carter shares his experience


Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Antoine is already has the makings of a great cooper at the age of just 20! He has been with Tonnellerie de Cognac for a year now and has really enjoyed the experience. '' I have learned so much in the last year'' says Antoine " it's all very well learning how to make barrels as an apprentice but its another thing to get your first placement at a busy cooperage. The pressure is on to fit in with the team and really contribute to the commercial side of the business. It's also a time to use the skills I learned as an apprentice and find out what I want to specialise in." When asked about making new barrels he says " I love making the new barrels as there is lots of attention to detail to get each one perfect for the customer. It's awesome to think that the barrels I make are such good quality that they will still be being used after I have retired; with my signature on them too!" So what about pre-used barrels? "We work on a huge variety of pre used barrels and that makes it so interesting, It could be rum barrels one week and Masala barrels the week after. Each type has its own character and particular way to be repaired. You also get to see first hand how coopers years ago constructed these barrels. It's great giving them another life! Antoine is excited to hone his skills with Tonnellerie de Cognac and one day become a master cooper himself. "I get on well with the team here and enjoy learning new skills from the Master cooper, its a great place to work, really friendly.

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